A Nurturing Environment: 4 Ways of Boosting Workplace Motivation Through Positive Psychology

A Nurturing Environment: 4 Ways of Boosting Workplace Motivation Through Positive Psychology

There’s no denying that we spend the vast majority of our lives in our places of work. For so much of the week we get up, we commute, we spend hours after hours doing the same thing, before going home and going to bed, wishing away the days until the weekend comes.

However, this isn’t a happy way for anybody to live their lives, and as a leader in your business, you should already know that positive and happy employees are going to get so much more work done, and to a much higher quality.

Today, we’re going to explore how you can boost positivity in your workplace using psychology tricks and tips. This will ensure everyone loves coming to work, and you can easily run a thriving workplace.

#1 – Don’t Be Scary

Even today there are bosses and business leaders out there that still resort to scare tactics to try and get things done. However, this has been proven for decades not to work, and intimidation just does the same.

If something goes wrong, you’re going to be the last to hear about it; if you hear about it at all. Your business will rip through talented people because they’ll simply leave. Create a supportive environment where everybody is valued.

#2 – Get Healthy Staff

No, this doesn’t mean sack everybody and get fitter, healthier people. Instead, remember that exercise and people being fit and healthy is a great way to boost productivity and keeps everybody happy.

If you’re unable to open a gym or place of exercise, team up with a local business to offer discounted memberships. This is a great way to enhance the work/life balance, and you’ll start seeing the benefits of these programs in less than a week!

#3 – Start a Mentoring Program

When people join your company, especially millennials who are looking for a way to the top, people thrive when they know these genuine opportunities exist. One of the best ways to nurture this, as well as training people ready for these roles; is to start a mentoring program.

In these programs, existing employees and leaders who are good at what they do can help to train lower staff the skills and experience they need to thrive. Then, when a job role opens, the mentoree can simply step into that place effortlessly.

#4 – Be Open and Honest

There’s nothing worse than a boss or leader who lies. In reality, there’s not a lot of difference between a leader who outright lies and one that just avoids or skims over telling the truth. If you’re caught out, your employees will simply start to downright hate you.

This is the best way to create a negative workplace environment where people hate what they do, do the bare minimum to get by, and eventually leave. Instead, be open and honest with your employees to create a relationship of positive trust.


As you can see, there are lots of things you can consider when it comes to nurturing a positive workplace in your business. Many of these things may take time to implement, but don’t give up because the rewards are priceless.

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